Chaulmoogra tree is native to India and makes a dense forest. It attains the height of 50 to 60 feet. The tree bears seeds, which is extracted as chaulmoogra oil. For thousands of years, the chaulmoogra oil has been used in Ayurveda as medicines and curing chronic skin diseases. The oil has proven to be as medicine for leprosy.
Common name:
Chaulmoogra oil
Blends with:
Sandalwood oil, almond oil
Chaulmoogric acid, palmitic acid, phytosterol
The chaulmoogra carrier oil is used for the treatment of, leprosy, rheumatism, eczema, leucoderma, wounds, sprains, and sores. The chaulmoogra oil is used for best treatment of hair and beauty treatment. The other uses of Chaulmoogra oil are to cure diseases like, arthritis, bruises, wound on skin, cut, fever, ringworm, and pain. The oil is used in Ayurvedic industries for making of medicines.
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