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Chamomile German Hydrosol

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$11.50 - (500ml. / 16.90oz.)

Chamomile German Hydrosol


Chamomile German Hydrosol has been used since history for the skin care and known for its sweet pleasant aroma. It again belongs to the Matricaria recutita family of Chamomile. The chamomile german hydrosol is extracted by steam distillation process from the upper head of the chamomile flower. It scatters a strong sweet aroma and gives a powerful impact when used in skin treatment medicines or beauty creams.

Common name:

Hungarian chamomile

Blends with:

Bergamot, clary sage, grapefruit, lemon




The chamomile Bergamot is noted for an antiseptic property. Cosmetic industries use it in creams and beauty lotions for treatment of scars, blemishes, red patches, irritation, fungal irritation and even cuts. Other uses of this oil is for treatments like colic disorders, and stomach disorders. Used in aromatherapy it keeps mind cool and calms down the stress.