Tuberose plant is commonly called as Rajnigandha, which is known for strong floral aroma and high note fragrance. The hydrosol is extracted by the steam distillation process from the flowers of tuberose plant. It gives a sensual and refreshing pleasure when used in aromatherapy or in room sprays. It is used in perfumery industry, cosmetics industry and as well in Ayurvedic medicines.
Common name:
Blends with:
Champka oil, rose oil, lavender oil
Vitivene, cadinene, vetiverol
The tuberose hydrosol is used for many purposes like in the perfumery industry, aromatherapy, and in Ayurvedic herbal medicines. It is used both internally and externally. When used internally, the tuberose hydrosol is used to boost up the immune system, and curing unbalanced respiratory system. When used externally, the oil is used for skin treatment, which gives skin looking younger, and get a glow.
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