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Cardamom seed oil

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$25.00 - (50ml / 1.691oz)

Cardamom seed oil



Cardamom seed oil

India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh are a few countries which are leader in plantation and cultivation of cardamom plants. The plant produces a shell like fruit, having black seeds in it. The cardamom seed oil is exactly steam distilled proceed from these seeds and oil is extracted. The cardamom seed essential oil is wide purpose used in medicine and Ayurveda for medicines.

Common name:

Cardamom, cardamom

Blends with:

Cedarwood, rose, orange


b-pinene, linalool, sabinene, myrcene, limonene


Majorly cardamom seed oil is useful for digestive system. It is also used in cold and cough to bring warmth into the body as well the oil is useful for the respiratory system.