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Myrtle Essential Oil

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$8.75 - (50ml / 1.691oz)

Myrtle Essential Oil


Myrtle natural essential oil

Some oils are known for aroma, and fragrance. The same is with Myrtle oil, which is widely used and known for its sweet fragrance and aroma. The perfumery industries use the oil for adding fragrance into sprays and perfumes. In aromatherapy, the oil is used for uplifting stress and rejuvenating.

Common name:

 Myrtle oil

Blends with:

Atlas, Benzoin, Bergamot, elemi, eucalyptus, lemon, lemongrass


Cineol, myrtenol, pinene, mrytenyl acetate, geraniol


The use of the Mrytle oil is for making fragrance, and adding these fragrance into soap, bath oil, perfume, spray and likewise. The use oil is a remedy for headache, migraine, and depressed mood.